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Meta » General » Roaccutane buy - Isotretinoin Australia - Accutane 40 mg cost
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Original Post #14832 (0.0000), 2:58pm Saturday, December 21st, 2013
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Post #14833 (0.0000), 2:59pm Saturday, December 21st, 2013
NRi: 0.2500
there are tons of foods that make me sick to my stomach. I am amazed at all the talk about Accutane on this heath board. . . . I have tons of stomach problems. Could this possibly be related to Accutane? If so, I would DEFINITELY say it was NOT WORTH IT! I miss my contacts and I miss being able to feel HEALTHY. .. I took it twice (6 years ago, again 3 years ago) and was pleased with the results. Almost overnight my skin lesions stopped! Once off accutane, they started coming back so i did a low dose regime to treat the swelling in my nose. THIS DRUG WORKS WONDERS BUT MUST BE USED WITH CAUTION!. I can barely wear my contacts anymore and my eyes are always red and dry. . After seeing many specialists and trying EVERY other drug out there I got a doc to prescribe me accutane. Bad skin stinks, but feeling this way is even worse. One high dose for six months and the other was low dose 10mgs every other day for about 3 years. .Patients should speak with their physician prior to taking vitamin A supplements or the antibiotic tetracycline while being treated with isotretinoin. Ive been on 2 courses. Roaccutane buy. Plus my sinuses and my eyes are awful.THIS DRUG SAVED MY LIFE! I developed severe rosacea and accutane helped to clear up the lesions that I developed all over my face. For a few years now, though, I've suffered some really annoying health issues that just reading this board is making me wonder if it is Accutane related

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Post #14834 (0.0000), 3:00pm Saturday, December 21st, 2013
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Meta » General » Roaccutane buy - Isotretinoin Australia - Accutane 40 mg cost
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